5 Writers 5 Minutes
Five best-selling kids' authors in a five-minute masterclass. Every week, Deborah Abela, Tristan Bancks, Sarah Armstrong, Lian Tanner and Zanni Louise share their writing and editing secrets, reveal how their books developed and give tips on how to write your own story. Find this as a podcast or on YouTube by searching 5 Writers 5 Minutes.
5 Writers 5 Minutes
2.20 Avoiding The Dreaded Info Dump
Have you heard of the saying, "Show—don't tell?"
In this episode, the writers talk about info-dumps—boring blocks of text with backstory or other information writers think their readers need to know.
But the question is, do they really need to know so much? And is there a better way of sharing this information besides dumping it all in a very boring paragraph that stops the story moving forward?
Listen in to hear what the gang have to say.
Our special guest is Sue Whiting! Make sure you check out her books.
Visit the authors:
Tristan Bancks: tristanbancks.com
Deborah Abela: deborahabela.com
Sarah Armstrong: sarah-armstrong.com
Lian Tanner: liantanner.com.au
Zanni Louise: zannilouise.com
Music: On The Roads by Evert Zeevalkink
Podcast produced by Aud Pitch: http://virtualcreatrix.com